--- title: "Extending badgecreatr" author: "Roel M. hogervorst" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Extending badgecreatr} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- Since more then two people make use of this project, let me explain how to extend this package. This package creates markdown and in some cases RMarkdown chunks. These chunks are displayed in nicely formated html because code sharing websites such as Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket display markdown files in the browser. It is very useful. # Overview There are three types of functions. 1. functions that create a chunk of markdown: they all start with `badge_*`. 2. There are also functions that search for information in your DESCRIPTION file, or other files such as `travis.yml`. 3. Finally a third kind of function that places badges in a document, either a README.Rmd or README.md. I previously used clunky and ugly code to do the search and placement actions. But I try to seperate that all out into simple functions. ## 1. Adding a badge If you have a badge that you would like to add, fork the project and modify `R/badges.R` , `tests/testthat/test_badges.R`, and `changelog.md`. Then give me a pull-request to add it to the project. A badge needs: * *A function that starts with 'badge_'.* All badges have the following structure: ``` [![name of badge](link to image)](clickable link) # for example: [![license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL--3-blue.svg)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)` ``` There is an internal function `badgepaste(imagelink = ,referlink = ,name = )` that makes this easy: ```` badgepaste(imagelink = "https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL--3-blue.svg", referlink = "https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html", name = "license") ``` * *A unit test in `test_badges.R`* Add and modify the following code to test your function. Usually you only need to test if the link to the image is what you expect, you can assume that `badgepaste` works. ``` context("name of badge") test_that("description of test", { badge <- your_badge_function("badgecreatr") # if you do multiple tests, this might help. expect_match(badge, "\\[\\!\\[rpackages.io rank\\]") # here I test all the parts expect_match(badge, "badge/badgecreatr.svg") expect_match(badge, "www.rpackages.io/package/badgecreatr") }) ``` * *Documentation* We use [roxygen](http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/man.html#roxygen-comments "Hadley Wickham's book about writing packages, page documentation") to document our functions. Minimal requirements are: 1. title 2. description 3. `@param, @family badges, @return (markdown or Rmarkdown), @export (otherwise you can't use it` Like: ``` #' A title #' #' A description of what this is. #' @param argument describe what this argument does, and defaults to #' @family badges #' @return markdown / Rmarkdown #' @export badge_yourfunction <- function(argument){ your function details } ``` * *a line in the changelog* that has your name and the name of the badge: `- badge for ... badge_name, by @githubname and full name if you like.` ## 2. Adding search functions I don't have any requirements, except a test that shows when it breaks. ## 3. Adding badge placers Add a test that shows when this function breaks. # Thank you !